
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

USMC Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) emblem

My immediate plan is to recreate emblems of all major USMC commands. After those are complete, I plan to continue with USMC units. including USMC Aviation, and support units.
The first in the series was the emblem of United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC). It is a component command of the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) that comprises the Marine Corps' contribution to SOCOM. Its core capabilities are direct action, special reconnaissance and foreign internal defense. MARSOC has also been directed to conduct counter-terrorism, information operations, and unconventional warfare. MARSOC was officially activated on February 24, 2006 with ceremonies at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

To active duty or reserve military personnel, veterans and their family members: I grant an explicit permission to download the above images to be used for non-profit/non-commercial and charitable causes, benefiting troops and their families, as well as for non-commercial internal duty-specific purposes, such as unit website design, training materials and presentations. 


  1. I'm trying to contact you to obtain rights to use 2 of your designs for a charity flyer. My old Marine Corps buddy is in this unit and we are sending out some special gear to them. I haven't found the message link.

  2. Hey Chris,

    Since we are talking about a charity (non-profit) cause, I have no problem with that. Please contact me via my Zazzle’s Military Insignia gallery by using “Send Message” feature (just click on any of my banners or links in any of my posts here), and let me know which designs you are looking for, in what formats/sizes as well as your contact info (I just don’t want to publish my contact info here). I will be more than happy to help you out with the package for your fellow Marines. Cheers.

  3. I see you are using our images for your base image platform -- Tom Adkins -- AAA Vector Graphics

  4. @Tom: Yes, I have purchased and used some of them for my vector base images on several occasions. Whenever possible, it is much easier, than creating a vector base image from scratch. Saves me quite a bit of time. Is there a problem?

  5. Hey can you do an image for the Marine Force Recon Companies and the Marine Raiders? That would be awesome. Ive been looking for an updated design

  6. @Pipe_Hitter

    I might eventually, but have no such plans in the immediate future. When you say "you've been looking for...", it is not clear what kind of use you might have in mind. Just to clarify, my designs are not available to anyone for any purpose, with few exceptions:
    1. I make them available free of charge only to military personnel for any non-commercial duty-specific use.
    2. Low-res images are available for free for personal use, such as forum avatars, school projects, etc.
    3. Via my galleries, on a limited number of products.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me via "Send Message" in any of my galleries.
